Saturday, September 24, 2011

RILS Final Project

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario
Ana Gonzalez

Brief Overview: Students will be using an interactive tool to create an animated digital story. Students will learn to choose a setting and character to build a story. Students will use a Web 2.0 tool Go Animate.

1. Target Audience- Second Grade Bilingual class
2. Materials– Teacher and students will need access to:
ü  computer
ü  internet
ü  interactive whiteboard
3. Objectives– Students will create a digital story from their own background knowledge. Students will identify story elements. Students will evaluate other digital stories from their classmates.

4.         Procedure
§  Teachers need to create a account.
§  Create accounts for the students.
§  Discussion about character traits.
§  Using a smart board demonstrate how to create an animated character.
§  Then teacher creates and animated story.
§  Discuss the steps to create the story.
§  Have students identify character traits.
§  Students will create their own digital story telling.
§  Students will share their stories.
§  Students will get feedback from their classmates.
§  Encourage students to keep creating more stories.

5.         Web 2.0 Tool– – An animation tool to create a digital story with voice, actions, movement, gestures and presentation.
6.         Social Participation/Social Learning– Students will collaborate with partner to create their digital story. They will also give feedback to others about their creations.
7.         Making Connections– Students will create an animation using their creativity and background knowledge about characters. Using this tool will allow to connect, communicate and collaborate with others. It develops critical thinking skills to connect them to their world and their own experiences.
8.         Create/Produce – Students will create and share their animated interactive characters through digital story.
9.         Assessment –Rubric
The storytelling lasts 2 minutes.
The storytelling lasts 2 minutes.
The storytelling lasts 1 minute.
The storytelling lasts less than 1 minute.
Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are creative, clearly expressed and appropriate.
Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are clearly expressed and appropriate.
Connections between events, ideas, and feelings in the story are sometimes hard to figure out. More detail or better transitions are needed.
The story seems very disconnected and it is very difficult to figure out the story.

10.       Reflection
a.     Students will be provided a survey to see what they have learned and see how engaged they were before, during and after their project.
b.     The teacher will conference with students as they begin and complete their digital story. This will help to change or revise the project to better assist the students in a positive learning experience.

Persuasive Message:
Learning begins when students are creative and engaging with what they are learning.

1 comment:

  1. Ana, I like your Web 2.0 tool GoAnimate. I can see that your students would be engaged in a project making a digital story of their background. Great job with your video. I still need work with imovie. Good RILS
