Friday, August 3, 2012

Get connected

Technology is evolving and educators need professional learning to assist them in incorporating technology in the classroom. For this reason, the U.S. Department of Education's Connected Educators created a starter kit to assist educators with a daily calendar of professional development on different technology tools that could be used in the classroom. Educators need to understand that students are very aware about technology that surrounds them and need the guidance to properly use it as an educational tool. Take a look at the information and get educated in the new learning. Technology is a positive change that can be used to create an effective educational setting and assist students to be successful.

Math Conference

This year on July 18th, 19th, and 20th, I was able to attend the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT 2012). This conference was for the K-12 math teachers. The theme for this conference was "Navigating a Sea of Change". Since education is constantly evolving, it provided the opportunity to view the changes that are occurring and delivered effective strategies for teachers. This was a great opportunity to collaborate and share with other educators from all around Texas. It was a great conference that provided new teaching ideas for the classroom. All the presenters share the wealth of knowledge through their presentations. The presentations were engaging and outstanding. I am very pleased to be the recipient of the 2012 CAMT President's Award. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wk 4 Comment to Alison Oprea’s Blog

To me, the entire book has been about creating a paradigm shift. The Zanders have challenged the reader to view the world differently. It’s very easy to look at the negative, to gossip about others, to find the worst in things and people. But with a slight change in perception, one little glimmer of hope or ray of light can change the game.
One part of the book that particularly resonated with me was when Mr. Zander was fed up with musicians not coming to his rehearsal. He had every right to be upset, and he forgot to remember rule number 6. Adding insult to injury, one of the musicians spoke up against him, saying that she would no longer take his “abuse”. Infuriating as that was, instead of raking her across the coals, he wrote a letter to her stating what he learned from their exchange. The end result was much more positive than it could have been.
I plan on reading this book again and keeping it close for those times I don’t remember rule number 6 and need a reminder of how I can better contribute to this world.


This book is about living life to it’s fullest. We are players in this Earth game and we are the only ones that have the power to change the play in the game. We have to live this life in the positive and not in the entire negative that surrounds us. I agree with you that this book should be kept close to our nightstand to remind us that there are many possibilities that are out there. We only have one life to live, let’s live it.

Wk 4 Comment to Dwayne Maynard’s Blog

In my leadership project, I explain a challenge based research that was conducted on Broadcasting I students at Northwest Whitfield High School in Dalton, Georgia. The project showed the relationship between engagement in the classroom and the use of technology. I am looking forward to applying to my state CTAE conference. It is a gathering of career tech teachers from throughout the state of Georgia. Being able to present my leadership project to other broadcasting and video production teachers from the state of Georgia would be very exciting. If I was not accepted to this conference, then I would look at a regional conference of CTAE teachers with the hopes that my presentation would be noticed by the larger state meeting.


You have done an awesome job with your presentation of your CBR project. I believe your students have accomplished much learning with this project. I commend you for your hard work and hope that your presentation gets picked for the state CTAE conference. This project will demonstrate a different way of engaging students with the use technology to increase learning. Be proud at what you have accomplished. I hope you continue your education career learning to gain more knowledge so you can pass it on to your students. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wk 4 Leadership Presentation Blog Post

The leadership project was created from my Challenge Research Project through this EMDT program within this year. It demonstrates how students increase learning and are engaged through the incorporation of technology in the classroom.

It will be my pleasure to present my leadership project in a presentation to TCEA or Region 4.

TCEA is the Texas Computer Education Association, which assists educators with innovative strategies and knowledge with technology.  It provides conferences, webinars, professional development, newsletters, and magazines.

In Texas Region 4 Technology Applications Conference also assists educators with innovative learning about technology. It invites educators to demonstrate and share the skills and knowledge they utilize in their classrooms through a conference.

Gonzalez_Ana_Leadership Presentation
Click image

WK 1 - Leadership Blog Post

WK 2 - Leadership Blog Post

WK 3 - Leadership Blog Post

Wk 4 Reading Ch. 9 - 12

The vision of life starts at birth and ends with death. Life is life and there is only one. The vision of ones owns life, which is life of possibilities. Possibilities you live with not live up to. Vision lets you see the possibility to make ways for solutions you have encountered by seeing the clear line ahead. Vision is the possibility to make a difference and not an improvement. In the long line of vision in its context and clarity may cause change, which conveys thoughts or feelings in the possibility of framework. In the framework goals and objectives are part of the vision and when you do not meet the goal or the objective does not mean you are not successful. You do not have to be the best of the best but be part of the best. The possibilities are out there and you need to find the way you are going to use those possibilities in your life. Life is precious and you only live once.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wk 3 Comment to Jenn Hollern's Blog

The conference that I am really excited about presenting at is the Summit on Transformative Learning. Rollins College hosts and calls for submissions every year, and they base the format on TED Talks – a scholar or expert offers comments on a topic for 18 minutes and there are a few minutes left for questions. Short. SImple. Sassy. And most of all, it requires absolutely precise word choice. 
I love this format so much and just believe in the mission of the entire summit – to talk about ways that we can transform learning. Topics range from everything between experiential learning to better science curriculum to media-based education. Such a wide variety of talent, but may not fit within the requirements of this project.
So my second option is at the National Association for Multicultural Education National Conference. Since my CBR project is based around increasing the visibility of the Office of Multicultural Affairs and diversifying the media-based awareness initiatives, I think this would be an ideal venue to talk about how we present multicultural education. 


You have always been an excited person to listen to. I am glad read that you will present your CBR project at Summit on Transformative Learning or the National Association for Multicultural Education National Conference. I would understand the TED Talks format would interest you because of the precise word choice, because you have a good sense of words. I remember how you defended your target audience at one of the Wimba session in LSM course. You have a great voice for presenting and defending what you believe in. I believe you will do a great job in presenting your CBR project. You will do a wonderful job. Good Luck with your presentation!

Wk 3 Comment to Amanda Castaneda's Blog

As I stated in a previous blog post, I would ideally like to publish with Edutopia. However when going over the conference list provided in the LP overview I did not see Edutopia listed as a place available for publishing. I hope however this is something I can still pursue, but if I cannot publish with Edutopia I have found some other publications that would be great. The first one I found is the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AACE and International Society for Technology in Education ISTE.

I choose to the AACE because its sole purpose is to advance information technology in education and e learning research. You are allowed to choose what journal you want your work to be reviewed for. I would like to submit my publication with the Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education CITE.

ISTE is probably the most known membership association. They, like AACE, focus on improving leaning and teaching through the effective use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education. ISTE has three journals that one may choose to submit their work for review each has its own specifications that must be met for a paper to qualify. 


Publishing your CBR project sounds great. I hope you get a chance to publish at Edutopia. It is an organization provides educational resources in this 21st century. If there is a possibility that you will not be able to publish at Edutopia, I see you have a back up plan with AACE through CITE and ISTE. Either way you are ready to move forward. You have always done wonderful work through the entire program. I hope that you are approved to publish at Edutopia.
I plan to present my CBR project. I have decided on two places. One is TCEA at the Tots and Technology Conference and the other would at the Region 4 Technology Applications Conference. I am trying to follow into the footsteps of my Leader Kelli Erwin.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Wk 3 Leadership Post

Where Do I Want Share My Project:
As I have stated before I would like to present my CBR project through a presentation at either TCEA or Technology Applications Conference.

Texas Computer Education Association also known as TCEA is an organization in Texas. It is dedicated to the use of technology in education. It is an important association that its number one priority is integrating technology into the PreK through 12 grade classrooms. It provides much information through conferences, workshops, magazines, newsletters, and social media. TCEA also provides a Tots and Technology conference in Galveston which is closer to home. I would like to present here because it is a conference for elementary teachers. I have attended this conference before and I really enjoyed learning new tools for my classroom. This conference is held during the summer for two days.

Region 4 K-12 Technology Applications Conference provides innovative ideas and information in this 21st Century. It also provides lessons, activities, and tips and tricks for educators to use in the classroom. Educators share their technology integration experiences through this conference. It is a great technology professional development. This conference is also close to home. I have only attended this conference once. It would be great to share my CBR project at this conference because I can also share the EMDT program from Full Sail University.

Wk 3 - Reading Ch. 5-8

The power in leading from any chair makes sense if you stay to the side and listen to the pupils and their needs, comments and suggestions. When leaders learn to listen, they become better leaders because they learn from their pupils. Being a leader is someone who influences on others and contributes to the possibilities of making changes.
Rule Number 6 is a powerful set of words not to take your self so seriously. In order to be a good contributor and powerful leader, one has to learn to humor rather than being negative to others. In order to resolve problems learn to laugh and not to take your self so serious.
Everything is the way it is and you are the only who could change it to benefit you. Life is life and in order to move you are in charge to create different possibilities to change or be successful. When things do not go the way you would like, you will have to face them and not escape, deny or blame the situation.
Giving away to passion is letting go of the obstacle that is not letting you live and be part of life. You are in charge of your life and in order to be able to live it you need to make wise choices and move on. Live life to its plainest.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Wk2 Comment to Del Richards’ Blog

In Zander’s book The Art of Possibility, a couple of things caught my attention. Notes on practicing, Roz tells a story about her first white water rafting trip and the guide educating everyone about what to do if you fall out of the boat. The guide kept repeating toes to nose and look for the boat. It reminded me of my boss, Mr. Williams, telling our department staff to sell your program. He said it over and over in our department meetings. About the time the economy went south, the Georgia Department of Education changed the name of my introduction to construction class to Occupational Safety and Fundamentals. My first thought was what high school student would sign up for a class with that name. I thought about it for a few minutes knowing that to keep a CTAE Program alive you had to have numbers. My numbers were always high because my class was easy to recognize by the name until now. Then I could hear Mr. Williams say you have to sell your program. I began to sell my program by talking about what the new class would offer. I had to re-call the catch phrase that Mr. Williams had provided to me in advance.

Giving an A and taking away the fear of making mistakes would benefit my students. I remember back to my first construction job. I ran a crew for a small company remolding offices. My boss had a saying if you get into a situation and was unsure about what to do, he would say do the best you can with what you got. He also gave me an A from the start. He said to always make a decision and go with it and if it’s wrong we will fix it later. He said it was better to make a decision right or wrong than to just sit around and not do anything. I think as teachers we need to do the same for our students. I think if we provide for students with a learning environment free from the fear of making mistakes student learning will increase. I think sometimes teachers hold back students from learning because of the fear of failure.

I understand how you were put inside the box about your course. You had to think outside of the box to find a way to sell your course so students would sign up for it. You were presented with the problem and you had to find the solution to it. But by thinking of it, you created possibilities to find the solution. On giving an A, I could not agree with you more. I always tell my students to do their best and not to worry about they are going to make as a grade. When people tell you to move on and not to just stand there with arms crossed not knowing what to do. One has think and learn from life to be able to move on and not get stuck on the path of life. Life goes on and so will you. I really enjoyed reading you conclusion to the readings.

Wk2 Comment to Dana Scobie’s Blog

I love when required reading for classes is relevant and applicable, not just to class, but to life.  This is one of them.  In my undergrad, the "textbook" for one class was Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.  I would put The Art of Possibility in the same category.  One of the points that stood out to me was the 9 dot puzzle.  This teaches us to think outside the box, both literally and figuratively. Literally, it must be done to solve the puzzle.  Figuratively, to apply to life.  Challenges can't always be solved within our (self-imposed) confines.  We must expand our thinking to eliminate problems and create opportunities.
The Give an A principle also stood out to me.  It's a different way of thinking about things.  It's not comparing people, but about thinking positively about possibility.  The text mentions chipping away excess to reveal statue inside.  I thought Mr. Zander's story about his class at New England Conservatory where he gave them all A's and they had to explain what they did to earn it was a really neat concept.  It's interesting to take competition and comparison out of the equation completely.  It's about self improvement.  The topic of grades is an interesting one, and I'm sure many of us would have varying opinions, but having a background in music, I can relate to what Mr. Zander is saying.  Isn't that what playing music is all about?  Improving.  We make it about competition, but it's not what really matters.  I think this can apply to all subjects.  To a certain extent, I think letter grades shouldn't really matter.  As long as students are learning and improving, that's what we, as educators, should care about.  This ties closely with the next point that stood out to me which was how we view mistakes.  Zander mentions saying "how fascinating!"  when a mistake is made, which I thought was funny, yet very true.  Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve.
Lastly, the idea of being a contribution was one I found interesting.  I think it's an important outlook to have on life.  It's not so much about success or failure, but contributing-you are important and make a difference!

I am also glad this reading was relevant to life. One way or another we all have problems small or large and we have to find a solution to the problem by thinking of the possibilities that will assist in solving the problem. We are unique and we have to think about ourselves. We are the ones to make decisions by thinking outside the box. Our lives are puzzles and we have to use our thinking to develop our possible solutions. Your statement “Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve”, is a way to learn from life to make a better life. The whole idea of the readings is that it is all about I, YOU and ME.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Wk2 To Publish or To Present:

Should I publish or should I present? That is a great question. I have decided that my leadership project will be a presentation. By doing the presentation I will be able to share the process I went through with my Challenge Based Research project. By sharing the project with others, they will be able to learn ways they can use the information provided to better their instruction. This project will give me confidence as a speaker. It will provide me with an open door so people will get to know me and what I am capable of accomplishing. My role model Kelli Erwin has done many presentations at different conferences like ISSTE, TCEA, Region 4, at the district level, and others. My goal is to follow in her footsteps step by step. My first step was be part of the EMDT program, which I am about to complete and the next step is to present the CBR project to TCEA or Region 4 in Texas.

Wk 2 - Reading Ch. 1-4

The book “The Art of Possibility” the authors Zander and Zander state “The frames our minds create define-and confine-what we perceive to be possible. Every problem, every dilemma, every dead end we find ourselves in life, only appears unsolvable inside a particular frame or point of view. Enlarge the box, or create another frame around the data, and problems vanish, while new opportunities appear”. My interpretation of this is when one has a problem; we tend to not have a solution to it. We feel overwhelmed and confused as the problem arises. It takes time to find a solution to the problem. Once we can think outside the problem then we can move on to find the solution or another path to move on. I believe the statement has a lot of meaning because it happens to everyone. Problems arise and sometimes it is difficult to find the solution. It depends on the individual mind to be able to enlarge the box for the problem to disappear. The book also states how the possibilities are part of the outside box. When you acknowledge your thoughts from inside your box. Then you will be able to see the possibilities beyond the box. This process is part of the survival stage in once life. When your possibilities have opened up then you can solve problems or pursue your goals. I believe I give my self an “A” because I am pleased with my goals and myself. When giving an ”A” to someone it’s because we don’t judge them because of who they are or for any human error. Sometimes we don’t give an “A” to people because we judge them for whatever reason. Everyone is human and the grade should not matter. You are your own character and you need to take care of yourself inside and outside the box. To discuss contribution, I would have to say it means how can I help someone today or what can I do to better this day? No matter if there is a problem or not and how small or big is the problem, but how am I going to think outside of the box and find the possibilities of to make a difference.
Zander, R. S., & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wk 1 Comment to Amanda Castaneda’s Blog

After viewing and reading the articles provided to us about copyright it is hard to wrap my head around how this term or law has changed and continue to change the way we share, view and create information, art, and media.

I had never particularly paid attention to some of these laws and what they truly meant. This topic has really opened my eyes to a concept that was something I had never known much about as well as Creative Commons, which seems to simplify this ever changing and relatively outdated law.

I think Creative Commons was created out of the necessity for all of the confusing copyright infringements that can happen unknowingly. Larry Lessig’s ideas were an essential step forward to help with this massive law. As technology grows and changes, transforms the way people create and view their cultural relevance. So changes in these copyright laws and new Creative Commons is inevitable and will continue to impact how media and art is shared to suit these every changing needs.

The notion of Fair Use was intended to provide a safe guard so that copyrighted material can be used or reshown but only in limited and vague circumstances. Which can seem a bit confusing.  So with the notion that, yes this term Fair Use apply and doesn’t apply to situations you may have once thought, brought fourth a Fair Use best code practices guide to help the creator, figure out some of the Fair Use Practices that are applicable to the content the creator is using to recreate his or her own work.

The case with Shepard Fairey seems to fall under these inconspicuous Fair use practices but many people fall on either side of the spectrum with this case especially because of the earlier work Fariey has created as well as not providing credit to the original artist. 

This topic has undoubtedly been an eye opening learning experience to the laws and how I look at material viewed or created.  One point that stood out particularly and can really apply to whole idea of copyright was given by Larry Lessig in his TED conference, describing the term “Democratize” which is roughly described that “anybody with access that can take sounds and images from culture to recreate and say things differently. These tools of creativity have become tools of how our kids think, speak, and their relationship to themselves.”


I could not agree with you more, this issue has been a really eye opener in terms of understanding the complexity of the copyright law. It is difficult topic to make an understanding of it. I agree that Creative Commons has helped with the bridge to understand the copyright infringements. As I mentioned in Del’s Blog, he video A Fair(y) Use Tale is a good way to teach students on the use of copyright. This video will also benefit the teachers, if they view it to help them understand the proper use of copyright. The issue of the copyright violations is there, now the issue is how to turn the violations into non-violations and how to teach the society of today on the correct use of copyright law.

Wk 1 Comment to Del Richards Blog

Copyright is a complex subject and a subject that so many people ignore. In Brad Templeton’s article 10 Big Myths about Copyright Explained, he covers 11 different myths people believe about copyright laws. I have heard teachers and students use some of the same myths. I am not sure if they believe them or just use them for an excuse. People believe if they buy music then they can do whatever they like with it because they own it. The same is true with the Internet, students believe it is okay to grab images and use them at anytime. The software on computers today makes it so easy for people to copy.

I know teachers use copyrighted materials for educational purposes. I believe they do not understand that it has to be in small bits. The unassigned percentage for the amount of use provides a so-called loophole. The video A Fair(y) Use Tale, provides a great example of a small bit and what a great video demonstrating the use of a small bit. I think on the educational side a small bit will get the point across to students better than providing a copy of the whole article or video.

I thought the Obama hope poster article was interesting and I would have liked to see how the court system would have ruled. Did Shepard Fairey”s Obama Hope poster meet the requirements of fair use? Would it be a parody? The definition of a parody is an imitation or a version of something that falls short of the real thing. I believe it looks like the real thing. It would have been interesting to see how the court would have ruled and if Shepard had a good defensible position. Fair use is not a right but a defensible position. Shepard could have just as easily found an image in creative commons.


I could not agree with you more that copyright is a very complex subject. It is much easier to blame the myths than actually learn the accurate way to use copyright. I do not think people have ever read the copyright law, so that is where people make excuses when they violate the copyright laws. They do not make themselves aware of the correct way to use images, music, and all other copyrighted materials. The video A Fair(y) Use Tale is a great way to demonstrate students the use of copyright. I also believe that it would benefit if the video was presented to teachers, it might help them understand the proper use of copyright. There are so many websites that provide free copyright images, but still then you really have to check the small print on the license agreement on the proper use of the images. Like I said before, copyright is a very complex topic and because it is so complex, people do not want to take the time make sure they understand the correct way to use copyright.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Wk 1 - Leadership Blog

My Leadership Role Model

My role model would have to Kelli Erwin. She has accomplished many things in her life that I real admire. She is the reason I am in this EMDT program. My goal is to follow as much as possible into her footsteps. She was an Instructional Technology Specialist for the district I work for. Now she is an Implementation Specialist for She has provided a variety of learning experiences at the district level that made me want to learn more and better myself. She is part of the DEN Texas Leadership Council, Glogster EDU Ambassador, and a Fablevision Ambassador. For these reasons and many others, is that Kelli is my role model. I hope to be as outgoing and knowledgeable as she is. We email each other since now she travels more do to her new position. In her emails she is very encouraging and provides lots of assistance to help me succeed. My next step is to find a position as an Instructional Technology Specialist, so I can provided my knowledge and encourage others to the use of it.

WK 1 - Reading Entry


Copyright is an issue that everyone has a problem with and many do not understand. After reviewing all three copyright issues, they are very complex and confusing for the people, which makes people do the copying without taking in consideration that they are violating the copyright laws.
If anyone is interested in reading the copyright law document, here is the link:
If people would read the article, there would be more confusion on the subject because of the complexity of it.
On a video it states copyright isn’t about use, but about asking permission, that is the key to the whole copyright issue. 
It basically means use it in whatever you like, but make sure you have consent when you use it.
As a teacher, I will have to say that I have probably have broken some copyright laws, but I most likely did this for educational purposes. The school librarian has trained us on some of this copyright laws and making sure we use what is permitted and to give credit when needed.